Chapter 13: Truth of Love-Part 1

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Chairman rolled once irritated as it can't take his royal nap amidst the chaos and cacophony that erupted today in an otherwise peaceful Lightwood-Bane residence .

The reason being a family get-together where the extended Lightwood family had set their foot in the warlock's loft to spend one day with their dear Alec .As it was really difficult for  Alec to stay away from  his warlock even for one day, the loud extended Lightwood family was making things easier for their big brother and consequently the High Warlock.

After a joyful dinner, where the couples : Herondale-Fairchild and Lightwood-Lewis praised the warm hospitality of the couple Lightwood-Bane and took a moment to individually praise Alec's improving cooking skill , Clary went into the loft's guest room to tuck in an already asleep three year old Alisa ( her daughter) and came out to join the others in the living room.

" Hey ...I have heard about an interesting game that is called "what I did not speak ever" ...lets play that would be interesting."said Clary excitedly

"So ...what do we have to do in this game ...?" asked Alec in his serious and thoughtful voice.

This time Simon took up to explain .....

Alec gave a look to Simon . Simon stopped from going ahead.

Clary took up the task of explaining   "Well here ...we say something which for some reasons we had never said before...probably our ego stopped us or our inner apprehensions stopped us...."

" Okay ...then ....who is going to start? " asked Alec ,a little excited this time.

"Lets start with Simon ...." said  Clary ...willing to start the game.

Clary: "So Simon ....what is that which you never had said before ?"

Simon looking a little sheepishly at everyone said...." I had been friend-zoned by Clary. I had feelings for Clary from day1 ...but Clary had  always put me in the friends list was sometimes sad...for me..."

Clary looked a little sadly at Simon.

"Its okay now I am happily married to Isabelle it doesn't matter any more " said Simon smiling.

Now Clary smiled and said " Okay Magnus ...your turn ...."

" I want to see Alexander in make- up .....I want to
put eyeliner on his beautiful blue-eyes and also put matching eye shadows on him ...but I know he would never let me do that " said Magnus.

Every body laughed and Alec looked petrified.

Clary stopping herself after laughing hard and said " Okay Isabelle..."

" I want to cook a four course Italian dinner ..." said Isabelle dreamily .

Simon whispered a prayer "O Universe ...please save us ...have mercy on us..."

Isabelle smacked Simon's arms and everyone laughed.

Clary now declared " Now Alec..."

" I think ...Simon is good for my sister." said Alec stunning everyone.

Simon looked utterly shocked.

" But .... for you ...if I ever saw a single tear in my Isabelle's eyes ...I will have your limbs fried in my lunch and your head boiled at dinner ...understand ." said Alec rolling his eyes.

Magnus snorted stiffling a laughter.

Simon looked as scared as a rat.

Magnus then said " Okay ...its Clary's turn ..."

"Well ...I never said this ...but I always wanted a big brother ...not as Sebastian but as Alec ...I am jealous of Izzy ...she is so loved by Alec...." said Clary sadly .

Jace patted her on  shoulders.

Alec gave a smile to her. He had disliked this red head before but she has grown on him . Somewhere he started liking Clary.

Clary changed her mood and said "Okay last....Jace "

"Last?...don't you think Chairman should get a chance ..." said Jace.

Chairman looked up just to check whether his name was called for some important business like eating food or it was bulshit. When it was confirmed that it was not food did not give a shit ...went back to its royal nap.

Everyone laughed at the cat's antics.

Clary said "Okay ..Chairman passed his chance now its your chance ...."

" I think that if I was gay or bisexual and not Alec's Parabati then Alec would have settled with  Me. It was only that I was straight and Alec knew that he could not get what he wanted so he just accepted the first opportunity that he found which was Magnus."
said Jace.

An eerie silence engulfed the living room like a blanket .

Alec said " No I don't think so ...I would always choose Magnus even if you were on the list ."

Jace said ..." Prove your words..."

Alec and Magnus both looked at each other and said  " How? "

"I want Magnus to remove Alec's memory of being his  husband for one day . Also remove his memory of being my parabati...he should know that he is unmarried and he likes me and I am not his parabati. I would say that I am gay and accept Alec's love for me...even after that if Alec chose Magnus then I would take my words back and work as your servant for one whole day in the loft . And if my words were true and Alec did not go for Magnus after getting me then Magnus had to work as a servant in Herondale's house....tell me if the challenge is accepted or not? "

Alec : " Why are you putting the challenge on Magnus..? "

Jace :" Its that ...he always boasts on the fact that you chose him over me. I just want to prove him wrong..."

All the people in the loft were stunned by this sudden change of environment. A simple game turned into a serious thing...

Alec : " Now...this is childish and I would not do anyth...."

"I accept the challenge" said Magnus cutting Alec within his words.

Alec rolled his eyes and said " Magnus don't act childish..."

"Do you love me Alexander " asked  Magnus .

"Of course I do ..Magnus" said Alec.

" Then...accept the challenge...its that Jace has questioned the truth of our love " explained the warlock.

Alec took a pause of few moments and then said " I accept the challenge".

Clary said " Oh God...why have I talked about the game....?"

Jace smirked and said " Are you tensed that what you would do if I ended up marrying Alec tomorrow ? "

Clary in a low voice said " No you moron ..I was thinking what I would do for two days without you ...Alisa becomes so unmanageable without you..."

Jace in a confused voice  ..."Two days ? "

"Yes...tomorrow you will be courting Alec ...and next day you would be servant in the Lightwood-Bane residence ."  said Clary .

Isabelle and Simon said in chorus "We agree with Clary ..."

Jace : " Don't underestimate your handsome husband ...I was Alec 's first love ...its only he could not get me and he did not date anyone else except Magnus ...that's why he ended up with Magnus. If he got a chance to get me he would not see anybody else...not even Magnus."

Everyone in the loft sighed at the unfolding madness.

To be continued.......

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