Chapter 78 : MOM2

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Little Max opened his eyes.

He looked at the lady in front of his eyes. The lady was smiling lovingly at him . Her shoulder length straight hair with few greys were dangling loosely in front of her cheeks.

With his sleepy eyes little Max found the lady very familiar as if he had met the lady recently. Both Magnus and Alec were looking at the Granma and Grandson to relish their first reactions.

Max lifted his hands. His little chubby hands which went straight to his Granma's cheek . Max moved his chubby hands gently on his Granma's cheeks. Maryse closed her eyes to relish the first touch from her first grandchild. A teardrop came out of her closed eyelids. The little hand slid to his Gramma's lips ...Maryse used the opportunity and kissed the little fingers. Magnus held Alec's hand and leaned on Alec with awe in his eyes. Both the parents' hearts were melting at the scene before their eyes.

Max's little hands then went for his Gramma's hair. He passed his little plum fingers through the raven black tresses of his Gramma. The colour of the hair was very similar to his own and of course to his dad too.

Then surprising all.... Max said


Maryse gasped and said...."You know me.....???"

"Mmmmxi Luv Gwamma......" said Max . Max's body glowed and small petals of red roses rained on his Gramma.

Magnus covered his mouth with his palm. His eyes were beaming with pride. Alec smiled too looking at the petals.

Maryse looked at the petals that were raining on her and smiled happily.

Then she looked at Max again. Max made grabby hands towards Maryse .

" are a little angel with magic...." said Maryse and held Max close to her chest hugging his little body. She kissed Max's cheeks and forehead and said

"You are Alec with Magnus' eyes and are a little angel- warlock....." said Maryse kissing Max's cheeks.

Max blushed red .

"Oh are too adorable...sweetie...." said Maryse.

"Gramma loves you loves you too...." said Maryse to Max.

Max giggled.

Magnus smiled leaning on Alec's shoulder and holding Alec elbows tightly . Alec leaned his head on Magnus' head and smiled lovingly.

Maryse felt something extra was hugging her tight. She looked down at her body . There were Max's little plum hands ,along with those there were two little beautiful small white feathered wings hugging her tight.

"Oh have ...angel wings....." said Maryse astonished.

She held Max up in her hands and looked carefully into Max's wings .

"You really have got little Angel wings......" said Maryse accepting the miracle.

She looked at Magnus and Alec and asked " But Max is manifestation of Great Demon....I never thought that he will inherit the angelic wings"

Both Alec and Magnus came out of their awesome reverie .

Magnus asked " Maryse you know how he have Angel wings....?"

Maryse pulled Max close to her again and sat on the seatee beside the crib. .

"Yes...I he has angel wings.....but before that Max sweetie is hungwy...he needs feed after the long nap..." said Maryse snuggling her nose on Max's tummy. Max giggled and his wings vanished.

Maryse smiled ....

Magnus snapped his fingers and bottle of goat blood appeared and he was hesitating to give the bottle of blood to Maryse. Maryse looked at Magnus and understood his hesitation. I know Max drinks blood.....I know the whole story.

Alec raised his brows at this.

Magnus held the bottle to Maryse. Maryse took the bottle . She expertly made Max to lay comfortably on her lap and put the bottle into the mouth of the little sucker . Max started sucking eagerly.

" were really hungry ...don't you sweetie...." said Maryse making Max to hold the bottle in his tight baby grip and caressed his little cheeks.

Both Alec and Magnus sat on the carpeted floor of the nursery and looked questioningly at Maryse.

Maryse looked at the two pairs of curious eyes at her . "Oh...about the wings...." she started.

"The wings are actually from the Trueblood family. Many of the people from my maiden family had wings which can appear and disappear on its own. Even Max ,my brother....on whom I named your baby brother had wings too....I thought that you would inherit that ...but to my came in your can't have a control on the passing of genetical traits...." finished Maryse shrugging her shoulders.

"In my family ....none could control the wings ...the wings come and go automatically ..but I think...our Great Demon here..has a control on his wings......he could make them appear and disappear by himself..." said Maryse looking at Little Max who was playing with Maryse's dress buttons and sucking his bottle asiduously.

" I wish...I could gift you that very special thing now...." said Maryse looking at Max on her lap.

"I think can do that..." said Magnus.

Alec looked at Magnus smiling.

Magnus snapped his fingers and a small jewellery box appeared . Maryse gasped and said " You have it ? "

" Actually Jace has already handed it over to the first born in the next generation of the Lightwood family ...." said Alec.

"Oh...he did...." said Maryse.

" But I would love to do it by myself....." said Maryse smiling lovingly at Max on her lap.

Magnus and Alec stood up from the floor and went to Maryse. Magnus handed the silver chain to Maryse, unboxing it.

Maryse unhooked the silver chain and put it around Max's neck saying "To Max Lightwood Bane, with love from Gramma....."

Then she kissed Max's two little chubby hands.

"Maxie...say Thank you to Gramma...." said Alec.

Little Max said " tttk wu..." with his beloved bottle still in his mouth.

All Alec ,Magnus and Maryse laughed out loud.

Maryse was caressing Max's black hair....passing her fingers lovingly through the black mop. She was looking Max so lovingly as if she would take a picture of Max with her bare eyes.

'Mum....who told you the whole story about my pregnancy....?" asked Alec to Maryse.

Maryse shot her eyes up from Max and looked at Alec and Magnus who were sitting on the floor cross legged.

Magnus looked at Alec and then at Maryse.

"Why....Sssss....." started Maryse.

Magnus gestured at Maryse to stop.

Maryse quickly understood.... and she changed her answer and said .."Um....Izzy....Isabelle....told me about how my little Maxie came to you ...."

"Are you sure that its Izzy and not Simon .....?" asked Alec a little frowning.

"Yah....yah...positive...." said Maryse.

"Oh....oh...then I will go for making the dinner tonight..." said Alec .

"You could cook....?" asked Maryse surprised.

" will be left surprised by my improved cooking skills...Mum...just wait and watch." said Alec sprinting towards the kitchen.

When Alec was out of sight ,Magnus sighed a relief and gestured a thumbs up at Maryse .

Maryse gestured back a thumbs up and then the Mother-in-law and Son-in-law broke out into a laughter.

Max looked at his Gwamma and Papa with confused eyes from his Gwamma's lap.

//to be continued.....//

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