Chapter 7 : Still Adorable

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Another night in the Lightwood-Bane residence. This time Alec and Magnus could get some time to enjoy each other's company .

Magnus was removing his make up, sitting before his plosh Dressing counter. Alec was on the bed with Chairman Meow on his lap. The chairman was enjoying the love of Magnus' man with all its right. Magnus was occassionally looking at Alec and Chairman through the mirror in front of him and smiling in his mind.

" Should I be insecured because that cat is actually in the process of stealing my man " asked Magnus faking jealousy in his voice.

"Oh ...don't worry I will compensate for this to you ...husband" said Alec rubbing Chairman's belly. Chairman sprawled on its back on Alec's lap.

"Hope will remember the deal  ...." said Magnus wiping his eyeliner from eyes.

"Oh ...I don't forget deals...." said Alec now scratching Chairman's ears. The cat rolled on its back on Alec's lap.

Then the cat started crawling on Alec's chest .Alec held the cat and nuzzled his nose onto the cat's belly. The cat purred in response.

Magnus saw this in the reflection and said "Oh are still so adorable..."

Alec looked up from the kitty to Magnus and said "....  Still?..."

Magnus looked into the mirror to Alec and said "Actually I never told you ...our first meeting was not the party that night ...."

Alec put the cat on his side and listened to Magnus.

Magnus:" I met you when you were ten months old. You were suffering from tummy ache and no medicine could cure you so Maryse called me to look into your case obviously in lieu of payment.

I went to the institute. Maryse took me to the nursery . You were crying and for the first time I saw those big blue eyes then. Then I felt a click in my heart. Somewhere deep my subconscious mind was actually bringing a pull towards you ...but you were so small and I was definitely not a pedophile so I ignored those feelings... many years later though  those feelings proved themselves  to be true .......

I used my magic and diagnosed were still crying hard. I asked Maryse to bring me certain ingredients to make you a soothing potion.

Maryse went out . I looked at you for some time. I did not know then that for some reasons I could not see you in pain were so beautiful adorable ...I wanted to see you smile ....I wanted to make you happy...I caressed your chubby cheeks with my finger....when I touched you stopped crying for few seconds lifted up your  chubby little hands to touch my finger held my looked at me with your tear filled big blue orbs....

At that time Maryse entered...and I pulled my fingers away from your face started crying touch had soothed you .....

With all the ingredients I made a soothing potion..which was when given five times to you in an interval of one hour ,  could make you feel relieved ...your little system was  adjusting to the external food and so you were having stomach aches..

But I wanted to calm you immediately ...I could not see tears in those big blue orbs.

So I sent Maryse out on some errand. When she went out of the nursery ...I touched your little chubby hands and you stopped crying made grabby hands towards me...probably your litťle soul was feeling the same pull towards me as my subconscious mind . I took your grabby hands and gathered you up in my arms .

You snuggled into my chest . You giggled and I smiled at you. I wiped the tears from your little beautiful eyes.....with your chubby hands you started touching my cheeks and I kissed your little hand. I rocked you a little ...and slowly you drifted off to sleep in my arms with a faint smile on you baby-angel face.

I kissed your little forehead and your little cheek  and put you down on the crib.

Maryse came in and she looked in amazement .

We both moved  out of the nursery leaving you sleeping peacefully .

Maryse then told me that she tried everything to soothe you for the last two days but you were constantly crying . But according to her, my magic worked and made you sleep so peacefully . She paid me and I left . Only I knew that it was not my magic which pacified you but it was my touch and my warmth that pacified you . "

Alec listened to all the story with a smile on his face . He patted the other side of the bed and signalled Magnus to come to sit there. Magnus stood up from counter and moved to the bed . Both the couple got within the covers and Alec snuggled into Magnus . He said "You know...your touches and your warmth still soothe me...."

Magnus pulled Alec a little closer . He stroked Alec's silky raven black hair and said " And you are still adorable and looks like a baby angel when you sleep. "

Magnus caressed Alec's cheek which was no more chubby like it was once for a 10 months old and Alec touched Magnus' fingers with his hands which were no more little and chubby.

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