Chapter 59: Break His Heart

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"If you want to save your shadowhunter...leave him...otherwise you will see his dead body...He will be brutally tortured in front of your eyes." said Camille.

"I will kill you before you harm my shadowhunter...." said Magnus propping his magic.

"You will not be able to..... this time Magnus ...I am far more powerful..." said Camille laughing.

Magnus used his magic on Camille. But Camille was right . Magnus' magic got vanished without harming Camille.

Camille came close and held Magnus' collar tight .

"You could not harm me this time...but I can.

I have met your shadowhunter in his is not difficult for me to kill him in his office,where he remains without any protection." said Camille smirking.

"No Camille ...please don't do anything to my shadowhunter...please I beg you ...don't harm him." said Magnus pleading in Camille's tight grasp.

"Then...break his heart to save his life....throw him out of your life...tell him that you don't love him...I will spare him ...I will not do anything to your dear shadowhunter...." said Camille.

Magnus stared at Camille. Teardrops came out of his eyes. He could not stand what he was compelled to do. He was to leave his shadowhunter. He had to end his marriage to save the life of his shadowhunter...

He had to tell the falsest thing in this universe that he did not love his Alexander.

"Okay....I love him in my life and in my save his life ....I would do this as well...." said Magnus.

Camille gave her demonic smile .

She wanted Magnus to pay for leaving her and choosing the shadowhunter over her.


"Magnus....where are you know who came to my office today....?

Your ex Camille....she is now the head of the Vampire Clan.

We have to deal with that evil now....

Magnus ....where are you ? " said Alec while entering the loft.

He searched for Magnus and came to the kitchen.

Magnus was standing near the counter and Alec could see the back of his warlock.

He came silently and held his warlock from his back.

"I missed you....." said Alec and snuggled into his warlock's body.

Magnus did not say anything ...he was about to do the worsest thing that he had ever done in his life...

But for him ....seeing his shadowhunter's heart broken was probably better than seeing him dead....

Camille was a powerful vampire and Magnus could not stand if she harmed Alec.

A single tear drop came from Magnus' eyes , he quickly wiped that off.

Without turning or facing his love of life ....he said

"Alec ....I want be over with all this...."

Alec did not raise his body from his warlock ...he was busy savouring the warmth of his warlock's body which he missed so much throughout the day....

"So be over with this....leave the cooking and we will go out for dinner..." said Alec smiling from his warlock's back.

The job became difficult for Magnus. Two more tear drops came out of Magnus's eyes ...which he wiped quickly again.

Magnus disentangled himself from his shadowhunter's embrace and moved a little away.

Alec reluctantly let his warlock go....

"Alec did not understand .I want to be over with ...with...."us" ...I mean I want to be over with our marriage....." said Magnus without looking at Alec and wiping the stream of teardrops coursing through his cheeks.

There was a few minutes of ominous silence.

May be both the warlock and shadowhunter were trying to understand what exactly happened.

Alec bursted out laughing holding his stomach.

"Oh really got me this time with your prank....I actually thought it to be real for few seconds...oh Magnus don't are really funny....oh stomach is hurting...." said Alec still laughing.

The task was becoming more and more difficult and heart breaking for Magnus.

Magnus held the kitchen counter tightly...and prayed to Lilith to give him courage to deal with this.

Magnus pulled out his marriage ring .....

He gathered up all the courage to face his shadowhunter.

He turned and looked at Alec who was recovering from the laughing bout .

Alec looked at Magnus ...but was shocked to see no trace of smile on his warlock's face.

The laugh receded automatically from the shadowhunter's face.

"Magnus ....stop this ...this is not a good joke...." said Alec now a little stressed.

"Its no joke nephilim....I want to end my marriage...I can't take anymore...." said Magnus and threw his marriage ring . The Lightwood heirloom landed before the foot of the Lightwood scion.

Alec looked at the ring on the floor.

He was spellbound.

He didn't know ...what to say...

Is this the end?....The end of everything.....?

After a few minutes of meaningful pause which seemed to be like a year,

"May I know...what is the reason?" said Alec in a grave voice.

"I am tired of taking care of you.. I am not your pet shadowhunter.Your shadowhunter family take unnecessary advantage of me. The service I give them ...they are free....I could have earned a lot by using that amount of magic with some other client....

I am tired of you ...shadowhunter...I have never been in a relationship so long you know...

I am bored with you.

I want to be free once again I was once." Magnus kept on ranting.

Alec placed two of his hands on his ears. He could not listen any more. He could not believe that all these were happening.

He crouched down and took the Lightwood Ring ,the family heirloom.

He turned back and said " You are free now....Magnus...I freed you from everything we have between us.I thought that what we have was real. But I was wrong.All these were a dream and thank you for waking me up."

Alec went to the loft door ,opened it and closed the door behind him.

Magnus heard the familiar sound of shoes...may be for the last time.

Magnus slid to the kitchen floor.

Tears rolling on his cheeks.

He could not bear this anymore.

He started to cry incessantly clutching his hair.

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