Chapter4: He is the cause.

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"Alexander....please try to come home a little early today ...I was planning to take you to the New Restaurant that is opened near the central park ."said Magnus shouting from the kitchen to an Alec who was busy getting dressed  for going to the institute.

"Yah ...I will try my best to come...but can't say if some demon hunting mission springs up" said Alec from the bedroom.

Alec then came out of the bedroom and moved to the kitchen.

"Okay ...bye Magnus.  If everything went well I would come early today. "said Alec .

Alec came closer to the kitchen counter where Magnus was packing a box . Alec kissed Magnus on lips . Magnus welcomed the kiss and shoved the box into Alec's bag.

"What was that  ....?" Said Alec confused pulling out of the kiss.

"Lunch.....and you will come home with that box finished  after eating those things honestly. And Alec the box has a magical spell on it ...if you throw the contents in the dust bin the box will tell be careful."said Magnus with his one brow raised.

"But Magnus ....what was the need ?We have the cafeteria in the Institute....I will have my lunch there. " asked Alec.

"That is the need .You are not going to eat those unhealthy ,tasteless food of the cafeteria....I have packed your favourite sandwiches....have them."said Magnus caressing Alec's cheeks.

Alec was just looking at Magnus .

"What ?"asked Magnus.

"You never get tired ..taking care of me ...??" said Alec.

"Well I am privileged actually that I got to take care of you " said Magnus kissing Alec on lips. Alec savoured the moment devotedly.

" Okay...bye " said Alec .

Magnus nodded and "Come early ...I will be waiting for you "
shouted Magnus to an Alec who stepped into the portal made by Magnus.

"I will try" shouted back Alec.


Text message from Alec ...

Alec :I am late . Won't make it to the loft . Come to the new restaurant . I will meet you there.

Magnus : Okay ...meeting you in half an hour.

Magnus entered the restaurant and moved his eyes around to find the familiar glimpse of his shadowhunter. He found Alec occupying a table for two at one of the corners. His blue-eyed boy liked to protect his privacy especially when it came to spend time with his beautiful husband.

"Hey ...were you waiting long? " said Magnus going near to Alec and kissing him.

Alec kissed Magnus back and said
" Not exactly ....ten minutes or so."

The waiter came for taking the orders and handed them the menu cards each to the two couples.

Magnus looked at Alec and asked " What do you want to have ...?"

"I will have whatever you are having ....." said Alec smiling.

He just wanted Magnus to be happy.

Magnus ordered for both of them and the waiter went to fetch for the orders.

Magnus was watching a boy and a girl probably shadowhunters because they were having runes on their body sitting on the adjacent table . They were observing Alec and occassionally talking among them .

Magnus looked at Alec who was looking outside the window on the busy traffic on the road oblivion of those shadowhunters.

All of a sudden ..the girl and the boy got up from their seats and were walking towards Alec. Magnus braced himself up for any kind absurdities.

The girl came first to Alec and said "Hey you are Alec Lightwood right...." visibly ignoring Magnus. Alec shot his head up and looked at the girl . Before Alec could say anything the boy jumped in and was standing almost on Magnus as if he did not exist or they could not see that he was sitting there.

The boy said " Yes, you are the Head of the New York Instutite . We have heard a lot about your bold steps . Your Downworld Cabinet Metings are so popular . You must be very manipulative to handle those degenerates downworlders.  "

The girl then joined in and said " Yah must be very dedicated to your work that you married a degenerate downworlder just to make your political manipulations real. You are really a great leader...sacrificing yourself for the shadow world. You are my motivation hero "

" Yes ,yes...for me as well fact you rule the heart of many young shadowhunters today " said the boy.

Alec was listening to all these with patience . Then he tried to find Magnus who actually got hidden behind the boy and girl as they were leaning on the table.

Alec then smiled and said " Thank you think me as a pioneer . I am honoured . But do you want to know who is my pioneer, my motivation ...or if I wanted put it in your words  whom did I let to manipulate me ?  "

The boy and the girl looked confused as well as interested.

Then Alec stood up from the chair moved past the boy and girl to the other side of the table and took the hand of Magnus and said " This degenerate downworlder is my motivation,my pioneer , my love , my heart , my mind and my soul ....whatever I do I do for him . "

The boy and girls looked a little ashamed .

Alec continued...

"The downworlders are not degenerate ...but by thinking that they are degenerate only because they are downworlders probably makes us-- the high-borne shadowhunters degenerate.

This idea came to me when I met Magnus Bane ,now my husband .
The Downworld Cabinet Meetings are a way to bridge the gap and annihilate the thought that downworlders are degenerate. I am not a manipulator but I am a proud husband of your so-called degenerate downworlder.

Its good to know that you are a fan of Alec lightwood , but it will be honouring to me to tell you the cause of Alec Lightwood ...this Magnus Bane is the cause of Alec Lightwood. "

The boy and the girl looked speechless. After a second or two they found repentence on their attitude and said a sorry to Magnus . Magnus patted their shoulders . They smiled and repeated in chorus

" Magnus Bane ,the downworlder is the cause of Alexander Lightwood ,the pioneer of the shadowworld. "

They looked at each other and then to Magnus and Alec . They hugged both Alec and Magnus before taking a leave.

Magnus looked at Alec and started thinking that what good he did exactly to get to love Alexander Gideon Lightwood.

On that cue the waiter came with the food....

Alec in his adorable way said " Magnus ,the food is here ".

Magnus smiled and caressed Alec's cheeks.

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