Chapter 3: Don't push me away

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Magnus knocking on the half open door of the home-office at his house -the Lightwood-Bane's Residence in the middle of night....


Alec shot his head up from the open books,files and every sort of papers on the table.

"You did not sleep?" asked Alec.

" This is the fourth night in a row that you are sneaking out of the bed and coming to the study and burning the night candles ....what is it everything alright?" said Magnus visibly concerned.

Alec smiled and said "I thought were sleeping.."

"You cannot hide from my eyes ...Alexander...even when they are closed. " said Magnus walking closer to Alec.

Magnus started massaging Alecs neck and shoulders. Alec relaxed on the touch of his warlock.

"Care to share what exactly is bothering you ....I may not be of much help ...but discussing with me can enlighten your mind and you can zero upon the solution..." said Magnus , massaging Alec's head ,neck and shoulders.

As Alec was getting very relaxed , he said in sleepy tone relishing the rhythmic hand movements of his warlock....

" Its that the new inquisitor is so demanding . No matter what I do for the betterment and development of the institute ,he would always make it his arduous job to find faults in my work . I think its because of his orthodoxality. One I am a gay and two I am married to a  so called 'downworlder' and to be specific a warlock ".

" May I know ...what is the name of this new Inquisitor ? " said Magnus now massaging Alec's back and spine.

Alec leaned a little in front on the table so that Magnus could get space to work well on his back. He was savouring the loving yet pressured touches of his warlock.

"Yah...of course .....his name is Victor Malachi" said Alec in weighed tone.

" So you are working your ass off to make Malachi happy on your work . Alexander , you are a born leader. Whatever you do for the institute ..I had seen they could not be done by any shadowhunter  who came in the past and you are a trailblazer, you are making the path to be followed by the future shadowhunters. So don't overstress yourself for a homophobic ass . " said Magnus.

Magnus was now moving his practiced hand over Alec's shoulders. Alec moved his chair a bit ,took Magnus' hands from his shoulder ...and made him sit on the edge of table  before him so that he could see his loving face.

" You always encourage me. You know whatever I did , I could not do them if I did not get your support.  You are my rock Magnus. You are my keystone." said Alec wrapping his arm around Magnus' waist.

Magnus caressed Alec's head and stroked his black raven hair.

" And Alexander, Victor Malachi had five controversial extra marital affairs in his life. Out of which three times he was found dating a downworlder . And his grandfather was bisexual like your dear warlock . So this time if he tried to act like a  so called pure and pious shadowhunter who never had any connection with the  "downworld affairs"  you know now what exactly to bring up my sassy , sexy , husband " said Magnus kissing Alec's nose who was so far absorbing each and every word of Magnus like a sponge.

Alec then grinning ear to ear said ," You are a genious my old sexy warlock . Now nobody can save Victor Malachi from Alec Lightwood . If he chose to act like a homophobic ass , he would  rightly be kicked on his back by your sassy Lightwood."

" That's why I always say ....when you have problems ....just don't push me away " said  Magnus kissing Alec's forehead.

Magnus closed all the books and papers on the table and stood Alec up to take him to the bed . Alec did not protest his warlock.

On the bed ....Alec snuggled into Magnus and Magnus was humming an Indonesian lullaby...suddenly ...

"And Alexander....its not just my sassy Lightwood is my sassy Lightwood-Bane." said Magnus and resumed the musical humming.

Alec smiled and soon got engulfed into deep sleep.

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