Chapter 9: The Firsts

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The view from the loft's balcony  was always a cherishable scene for Alec . The pleasure of enjoying the scenery gets enhanced when Alec gets the company of his one and only be utterly real and specific---soulmate.

Alec was enjoying the night view this time. The whole Alicante was brightly lit with witchlights which were looking like small stars suspended in the middle of sky and earth. He took a sip from the Red wine just handed to him by his Warlock who leaned on the ledge beside Alec with his glass of Red wine too.

Both the couples were enjoying the stary night view in a meditative compassionate silence.

Magnus looked sideways towards Alec . Alec took another sip of the wine from  the glass. Magnus leaned and without any preface kissed Alec on his pale cheek. Alec looked smiling and little confused asked
"What was that for?"

Magnus:" No reason..... just wanted to kiss you ."

Alec smiled again and looked straight into Magnus' eyes for few seconds. Magnus wiggled his brows and asked "What ????"

Alec looking into Magnus' eyes said "Just thinking.... how my life changed with you the universe bestowed so lovely a boon on me. What did the High Warlock of Brooklyn  see exactly  that he fell for a mere Shadowhunter?"

Magnus put his wine glass on the ledge and placed his hand to caress Alec's cheeks and said

"I actually saw two things . "

Alec looked curiously at Magnus.

Magnus :" One your beautiful blue eyes and two your pure and pious soul through those two eyes."

Alec held Magnus' hand on his cheek, took it to his lips and kissed it.

Magnus looked at Alec smiling and asked " What did you see in  me that the first born of the Great Lightwood Family fell for a degenerate Downworlder like Me."

Alec :" Oh come-on Magnus know you are not degenerate are far from being one. 

Well give answer to your question were many firsts for me . You were the first man who actually looked at me past Jace . Jace was always considered to be handsome ,smart , intelligent ...but you looked at Me overlooking Jace.

You were the first person who asked me out . You were my first kiss. You were the first who told me to believe in myself. You were the first who took my virginity was not just sex ...Magnus were the first to whom I surrendered myself completely body ,my heart,my mind ,my soul and my virginity. You were my first relationship . You were the first with whom I shared my mind...I told you things which I did not tell anyone before. You are my first love,my husband."

Magnus eared all the words pouring down  from the red lips of the blue-eyed boy. He leaned for a kiss ...probably that was the rightful gesture to show his appreciation . The Lightwood first born welcomed the kiss and swayed himself in the passion of the contact. Probably even after so many of kisses ...this kiss still felt first for both the couples.

The couples broke apart because however it is denied ,one needs air to survive . Its basic.

Alec smiled at Magnus and said

"But.....I am not your first it not ? Neither first relationship not first kiss...I am one of many ...."

Magnus held Alec's hands in his and said " You might not be my first relationship or my first kiss or my first sex ....but you are my soulmate which cannot be more than one , you are my first shadowhunter who respected me ,accepted me ,loved me for what I am ,you are my first marriage one and only husband ....and.. Mr. Lightwood- Bane are my first everafter.... forever ."

Alec looked for some time on the their intertwined hands .

Then  ,Alec pulled Magnus' hands which were on his and hugged Magnus tightly. The couple probably understood that how firsts they were to each other.

The stary lights of Alicante in the background kept glowing brightly and beautifully like the eternity of the couple's love-forever .

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