Chapter 18 : She is adorable

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"Aaaashhhhewwww" sneezed Alec.

"What was the need of walking from the Accords Hall to could have portaled yourself to the loft, Alexander." said Magnus worried because Alec had caught cold.

"Aaaaasshhhew....I did not know..that the rain was waiting to pour on me. Aaa...aaaa..aaashew...I was half my way ...when it started to rain . " said Alec shivering under the thick blanket and sneezing in a handkerchief.

" You could have used an umbrella " said the warlock.

Alec gave a sudden look to Magnus who was pouring  warm water in a foot-vessel where Alec had his foot emersed.

Magnus looked at Alec and said " Sorry ...I forgot that you have Aichmophobia ( fear of umbrella)"

Magnas snapped his finger and a cup appeared on table.

"Here...have would feel better...and after a  while I would prepare a potion for you ...your cold would be gone a hundred miles away..." said Magnus patting Alec on shoulder.

Alec nodded with his red nose and took the cup from Magnus  with trembling hands.

"You are Let me  hold the cup for you ." said Magnus.

"Aaa...aa..aashew..." sneezed Alec and Magnus managed to move the cup on time.

"Your condition is really bad." said Magnus .

"I already have a potion made for common cold ..I would give that to you would feel a little dizzy ..probably would take a nap but you would wake up all refreshed and rejuvenated." said Magnus ...making Alec to drink the liquid from the cup.

When Alec drank the whole cup Magnus stood up from the couch and said .." Okay....wait here I would bring the potion for the flu ....its in the home office."

Alec nodded and responded with an " Aaaashhhhhewwww".

Magnus said ..." Okay ...I think I need to hurry ".

Alec said with choked voice " Please do !!"

Magnus sprinted to the loft and started to look for the potion for common cold.

He fished among the many bottles. It was almost a century that he  used the potion. But today ...his sweet Alexander needed it. He remembered that he kept the potion in a blue bottle...or a green bottle.  A blue bottle probably as there was no green bottle to be visible. When there was only one bottle ..nothing to get confused...wasn't blue bottle   it was.

Magnus took the blue bottle from the shelf and went to Alec.

Alec was wiping his nose in the hanky. Magnus sprinted to Alec and sat on the couch . He summoned a cup of ginger-tea  ,poured  seven to eight drops of the potion in the cup of tea ,stirred it and took the cup to Alec's lips .

"Here ..have this ...your cold will be gone " said Magnus holding the cup to Alec's lips .

Alec drank the whole of the tea . 

Magnus kept the empty cup on the table and caressed Alec's temple.

"Feeling better ?" asked Magnus caressing Alec's forehead.

Alec nodded. The shivering in his body was vanishing gradually. He was feeling sleepy .

"Magnus ...I want sleep" said Alec.

"Yeh sure....Love ...come I will take  you ..." said Magnus.

Magnus snapped and soon the foot-vessel and the blanket were gone .

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