Chapter 40: The Rune Part 2

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"Where is he....what happened to him...?" asked an Alec almost panicking.

"He is...he is... taken in the infirmary. He is ...being attacked by a demon . The iratzes are not working completely on the poison..." said Isabelle.

Clary was sitting on one of the chairs outside the infirmary. Simon was nowhere to be seen as he was taking care of Alisa at the Herondale House.

"Magnus...we need you....please..." said Isabelle pleading.

Alec looked at Magnus and said " him...please...."

Magnus nodded and patted Alec's shoulder in reassurance.

Magnus went towards the room where Jace was kept. Alec followed him . While entering, Magnus patted Clary on her head who was sitting near the door as she was not allowed inside by the physians. Clary looked at Magnus with pleading red puffy eyes. Alec looked at Clary reassuringly.

Both Magnus and Alec entered the room where Jace was kept. Alec looked at Jace. There was a clear wound on Jace's chest. He was breathing very slowly. The effect of poison was evident as the breathing was uneven . His natural white skin was pale now with a tinge of yellow. His skin was looking lifeless.

Alec looked at Jace. A tear drop escaped the corner of his eyes and suddenly he realised that he was not feeling Jace through his Parabati bond. dawned on him that today he could not feel when was Jace attacked ,when he was taken to the infirmary and also seeing Jace now....he must clearly be in pain but Alec was not feeling Jace ...not a single pain from Jace was opening up to Alec. ....Why?

Alec went near Jace .....worry in his eyes...

Magnus came running beside Jace and started applying his magic . Soon Magnus started to work on the poison in Jace's body . Jace's pale skin was enlivening gradually.

Magnus was losing his strength and he was getting tired and weak with more and more magic draining out from his body.

Without any word ...Alec who observed this from the other side of the bed came running to Magnus' side and forwarded him his hand ...

"Take my powers ...Magnus and save him...." said Alec pleading.

Magnus nodded and held Alec's hand with one of his hand and kept on healing Jace with his magic.

Still Alec felt nothing . How Jace was feeling ,whether he was getting healed gradually...nothing could be known by Alec. Alec was none-the-less surprised ...but the only person who could answer him was Jace himself who was definitely not in a position to answer him now.

Soon Jace's body was purified of all demon poison . His skin was natural white again . Though he was still unconscious but he was safe now.

Magnus stopped applying his magic. He was tired . Visible sweat formed on his fore-head. Alec held a weak Magnus in his arms and supported him to the couch near by.

He handed a glass of water to Magnus . Magnus took the glass and drank the content completely.
Alec sat beside Magnus started rubbing his shoulders.

Magnus snuggled into Alec . Alec held Magnus with his head on Magnus' as Magnus was leaning on his chest . In no time both the couples who were exhausted while saving their brother drifted off to sleep sitting on the couch.


Alec and Magnus woke up with a sound of metal dropping . Both startled and woke up. They saw that a weak Jace was trying to pour water from the jug on the nightstand beside the bed.

Alec moved quickly to help Jace. He took another glass and poured water in the glass and held it in front of Jace. Jace drank the content. Jace showed relief and sat with his back on the headstand on the bed. Magnus came behind Alec . Jace looked at Magnus and smiled. Magnus smiled back.

"Thank you ..for saving me..." said Jace in a hoarse voice.

Magnus smiled and said "You are welcome...".

Alec hugged Jace and said " Oh..Jace scared me...."

Jace patted Alec's back and said " Its okay, buddy...I have not gone anywhere....I am still here to be a pain in your ass. "

Alec came out of the hug laughing.

"How did you know that Magnus ? " asked Alec amazed.

"I was not fully unconscious ...I could hear and feel you and Magnus around me...." said Jace smiling.

"On the note of feeling...can you explain me...why exactly ....this time I could not feel you being attacked or in before... " asked Alec like a big brother which he was after all.

Jace looked at Magnus and then dropped his eyes.

"What is cooking exactly between you two....? " asked Alec looking at Magnus and Jace.

"Jace....spill" said Alec again.

Magnus looked at Jace and Jace nodded. He wanted Magnus to say what's wrong.

"Well ,yesterday ....Jace came up to me with a strange request of blocking his parabati rune. "said Magnus with a pause.

"Why....?" asked Alec worried.

"You don't like me as your Parabati any more?....I can't blame you though ....I am so sensitive and feel so many might want to block yourself from me...." said Alec a little sad.

Jace looked up at Alec with horror in his eyes. He quickly looked at the Magnus . Magnus raised his hands to reassure him .

"Alec.....Jace did not want to block the Parabati rune....because he wanted to get rid of you...he loves you as much as Izzy loves you ...he can give his life for you...he is a little hot head I agree...but he is a loyal friend and above all a brother to you . " said Magnus.

"Its my honour in this life to be your Parabati...." said Jace almost at the verge of crying.

Alec looked at Magnus and asked

"Then why?"

"For you." said Magnus.

"For me ? " asked Alec .

"Yes, you are an immortal now. But Jace is not. He would die someday. Either in the demon hunting mission or out of age. If he died being your Parabati, a part of your soul would die too with him . You have to live an eternity in that state. As losing a parabati is a worse feeling for a shadowhunter. Jace is thoughful enough not to give you that pain for an eternity. So he had asked for a rune blocking potion from me. Now he would take that only before going to missions like he did yesterday....that's why you did not feel anything from him. Later on when he would grow old he would keep on taking regular doses of the potion ,so that when he dies he doesn't not leave you ripped for an eternity." finished Magnus.

Two tear drops escaped from the big blue eyes of the shadowhunter. By now Jace was crying too.

Alec did not have words .

"I can't see you in pain Alec....not even after death. I want you to be happy always. You deserve all the happiness in this world. " said Jace. His eyes were watery.

Alec moved and hugged Jace.

Words could not contain the situation.

Magnus looked at the two shadowhunters and smiled .

Alec was lucky to have such a thoughtful brother. Magnus' respect for Jace increased when Jace told all these to him yesterday.

Magnus smiled at the two brothers lovingly. He was proud to be a part of that family.

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