Chapter 12 : Deal With It

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"Magnus really have done a good job " said Alec a little fidgeting before the mirror.

"Oh ..ofcourse I did ....didn't I ...I am always good at those." said Magnus grinning ear to ear.

"Shouldn't you have been considering the fact ...that today we have a Downworld-Clave meeting....and you should be a little careful. " said Alec looking at the hickeys on his neck  which were on full exhibition like the show's topper in a fashion show.

"Can you honestly accept that you don't like them....Allexxanderr" said Magnus slurring sexily at the name of his husband .

"Ofcourse I like them ....but the meeting ....people will ogle...ouch" said Alec wincing a little as the hickeys were painful at touch.

"Use your Iratze ...shadowhunter" suggested Magnus thoughtfully .

" Magnus ...Iratzes are for healing us from demon attacks not to cure pimples and hickeys ....come on Magnus...." said Alec rolling his eyes to his warlock.

Magnus laughed and said "You are adorable....I want to kiss you."

Alec looking at his reflection in the mirror " Haven't you kissed me enough ?"

Alec : " I think I should wear a turtle-neck to the meeting. No shirt is going to hide that for me."

Magnus:" Don't be stupid darling ...its so hot today ...If you want I can go pantless in the meeting then the members will ogle at me instead of ogling at your hickey."

Alec:" Don't even think that ...Magnus !!! "

Magnus sighed and  came slowly towards Alec  . Alec could see Magnus coming towards him in the mirror reflection. Magnus held Alec by his shoulders and both looked at each other in the mirror . They started talking to each other looking themselves in the mirror.

Magnus :" Answer me a few questions Alexander ....."

Alec nodded his head at their reflection.

Magnus:" Are you ashamed of me?"

Alec :" Magnus....what..t..."

Magnus :" Yes or No".

Alec : " Of course not...not in any universe. "

Magnus :" Are you ashamed of our marriage ?"

Alec : " No ...Magnus ...its the best thing that happened to me".

Magnus:" Are you ashamed of our love play ...even when they are intense?"

Alec now looked at Magnus whose chin  was  at his shoulders
and said in a deep sexy voice

" I like them  a lot when they get intense ...I want them to be intense always..!!!"

Magnus smiled and kissed Alec's cheek and said " Then wear the shirt and the hickey  proudly ...."

Alec looked into the mirror at their intertwined reflection for few seconds and then smiled at Magnus and kissed his forehead.

Magnus looking at Alec and said " You are looking gorgeous as always ...."


         In the Clave-Downworld                              Meeting

Magnus and Alec portaled in front of the Accord's Hall.

Magnus squeezed Alec's hand and said " You go first should be welcoming the guest would be  a nice gesture."

Alec nodded and quickly kissed Magnus on cheek and smartly sprinted into the Accord's Hall.

While Alec was welcoming the guests  shaking  hands with them ,Isabelle was standing with some other Helpers at the side waiting for providing assistance to Alec if needed .

Isabelle overheard their talk ...

Helper1: "Look at that that a Hickey on his neck ?"

Helper2 laughing -" The warlock must have savoured him well last night . "

Helper1 with disgust on his face -" This Lightwood is shamelessly showing that disgusting ..."

Helper2 : " What else do you expect from them..."

Isabelle sighed hearing the conversation and chose not to comment then.

After all the guests were welcomed ,they were seated on a round table and the meeting started with Alec's little introductory speech. Alec looked at Magnus once . Magnus who was also a member and sat on one of the chair on the round table, smiled at Alec and gave him a slight nod . Alec started.....

"Ladies and Gentlemen ...we have gathered here to show the unity between the the Clave and the Downworld. This Cabinet meeting has proven its success as now the Downworld is working hand-in-hand with the Clave......."

As Alec went on he could not stop himself from hearing some whispers from few members on the chairs. The whisper sounded like

" Yes the unity between downworld and Clave is visible on the neck of the Lightwood boy. "

" Yes that hickey is exhibiting how the Clave and the downworld is working so hand-in-hand."

Magnus heard the whispers too.

Alec continued...

" Today we should pledge complete transparency and honesty with each other. We should not hide anything between us...."

Now a loud voice came from one of the member on the chair sitting beside Magnus.

"In the same way as you are not hiding your hickey....."

Every member on the round table except Alec and Magnus laughed .

Alec gave two seconds of pause and took a quick look of Magnus' loving face.

Alec then said looking at the member from whom the comment came...

" Being the leader of the people whom you are representing...if you could only see a hickey on the neck of a shadowhunter at a moment where we are discussing serious issues that will have profound effect on  your you think that you are proving your credibility as the leader of your people well ? Yes, I am not hiding my hickey . Me and my husband had some loving moments ...and I had got this... which I am proud of ...if you have any problem with it ...I would highly suggest you to deal with it .

Right now it would be better if we focus on the objectives of the meeting instead of ogling and giggling at each-other's pimples and hickeys."

There was pin drop silence in the hall .

Magnus leaned a little to the member beside him who was now red because of his own childish behaviour and said smiling " That's my husband ...and the hickey is my handy work. Isn't that good.....Instead of feeling jealous ..try to be that loving to your partner ...both of you would be happy ."

The member looked at Magnus and shook his head ...probably  Magnus was right ...he was jealous  .

The meeting took its pace once again and this time important issues ,objectives,schemes,plans were discussed instead of someone's private life.

In between the meeting, taking advantage of a little pause when the members were served tea Isabelle stomped to her fellow Helpers and said   " That's my big brother ,The Lightwood boy ....don't be jealous of his love life.. that hickey is not disgusting is so cute. It is  also good to know that his husband loves him so much ".

Isabelle smirked at the Helpers and stomped back in the same way as she came .

The group of Helpers looked at each other and shook their heads .They realised Isabelle was ....none-the-less......RIGHT.

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