Chapter 72 : The Wings 2

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"Daddda....Daddda....." said Max kneading Alec's cheeks with his chubby little hands. Alec was deep in sleep beside Magnus who was too sleeping like he had never slept before.....

As Alec did not respond....Max uttered again in his baby voice..." Daddda....Dadddda...."

"Hmmm.....Maxie.....go sleepy sleepy...sweatheart...its still not morning....." said Alec trying to touch Max with his eyes still closed.

But suddenly realization hit him...
He shot his eyes open . He looked on his side. Magnus was sleeping like a log.

Max was beside Alec on their bed.

"How you get from the crib ...Maxie ? " said Alec surprised.

Max made grabby hands towards Alec. Alec pulled Max towards him still laying . He looked towards the crib turning his head . The crib was few adult steps away. How Max managed to be on the bed.

Alec sat upright on his bed with his back on the bedhead...he took Max in his arms. Max snuggled into Alec and lay on his front on Alec's chest .

Alec looked at Magnus. He was still sleeping.

Alec moved Magnus gently .

"Magnus did Max came here ?" asked Alec.

"Mmmmmmm......Do you really need me to explain at this ungodly hour about how Maxie came on this earth ...Alexander...?" said Magnus sleepily.

Alec rolled his eyes.

"No stupid ...wake Max is on the bed ?" asked Alec moving Magnus.

"Mmmm...he must be missing he came to the bed....don't be so mean you horny shadowhunter...let your son sleep beside you ...he wants his Parents' warmth and love...." said Magnus sleepily.

Alec smacked Magnus on his shoulders.

"Whoa....that hurts...." said Magnus rubbing his shoulders.

"Why are you beating your poor husband at the middle of the night ? " asked Magnus opening one of his eyes.

"Did you bring Max on bed....?" Said Alec pointing his finger at Max ...who again went asleep on Alec's chest.

"No....I did not wake up...I was dreaming of dancing a salsa duet with wonderful it was" said Magnus smiling.

"Then how Maxie came on the bed from the crib all by himself...he doesn't know to walk....he is still crawling." said Alec explaining his doubt to Magnus.

Magnus now became fully awake. He slid back to the bed head and supported his back there.

He looked at Alec and then moved his eyes to see Max sleeping peacefully on Alec's chest.

"He might be feeling insecured...after the kidnapping he wanted to feel safe between us. But its a valid did he come here?" said Magnus thoughtfully.

"Okay...Its still dark of us must have brought him here...we were so sleepy...that we might not remember...I think we must go back to sleep. Max would wake up if we kept on talking like this... " said Magnus caressing Max's hair on Alec's chest. Max snuggled into Alec a little more.

" are right...we will see this in the morning...." said Alec kissing Max's head.

Magnus leaned and kissed Alec on lips and wished him good night.

Alec smiled and within seconds both of them drifted off to sleep for a second time with Max sleeping peacefully on Alec.

The morning made Alec and Magnus rather busy as Sinus took them for certain administrative work of Edom . Alec kept Jace on charge of Little Max.

"Okay ...Maxie...look at these three bottles of your favourite drink ....fresh goat blood...." said Jace placing three bottles in front of Max.

Max went to grab one. But Jace took the bottle away. Little Max looked surprised at his Uncle.

"Oh ...don't give that look know I can't say you no...but this time will get all when you will say two very simple words..okay...." said Jace looking at baby Max.

"Wodddds" uttered Max.

"Yes are getting it ,kiddo...." said Jace excited.

Jace looked at Max's questioning eyes and said ..." Just call me Uncle Jace....can you do that for me....?"

Max stared at Jace .

"Don't stare at me called Dadda and Pappa yesterday...please call me Uncle Jace...pllllleeeeaaaasssseee....I am dying to hear it from you ....pppllllleeeeaaasssseeee...." said Jace almost pleading at little Max.

Max looked at Jace and said "Ppllzz"

"No.Baby...its Jace....Jace...U.n.c.l.e. J.a.c.e" punctuated Jace to Little Max.

Max giggled..

"Babbb...babbb" said Max.

" have gone on Alec , stubborn Lightwood...." said Jace .

"Sttttbbbb" said Max.

Jace chuckled.

"Its okay...Maxie ....Uncle Jace still loves you are so can Uncle Jace not love you ...." said Jace squishing Max's little cheeks.

Max gave his heart winning innocent smile.

Jace gave a bottle to Max . Max grabbed it with his little hands.
Jace lay Max on the crib with the bottle in his hands. Max's grip on the bottle was very tight . Jace smiled and said "You know how to hold your favourite drink ....huh....?"

Max kept on sucking and enjoying his drink.

Jace turned to keep the other two bottles safe ...suddenly he felt something was flying in the room.

Jace shot his head up...

His eyes widened.

His face went white at what he saw......

//to be continued.....//

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