Chapter 84 :Not Your Fault

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When a standing Magnus pulled away from the hug,Alec silently stood up with a sleeping Max on his shoulder.

Magnus looked at his shadowhunter. Though Alec said to Magnus that there was no-one's fault yet Magnus thought that his shadowhunter was mad at him.

Magnus looked at an Alec moving slowly towards the nursery. He sensed Alec's grave mood.

Alec went straight to the nursery and put Max carefully on his crib. Max squirmed a little and Alec patted Max's little body to make him go to deep sleep again.

Alec looked at Max . Tears again came down from his eyes.

He kissed Max's little forehead.

Alec looked one more time at a sleeping Max and carefully moved out of the nursery .

He came to the balcony and sat silently on his chair . Magnus was sitting on the other chair lost in deep thoughts.

Alec did not say a single word.

He silently wiped away his tears.

Magnus looked at his shadowhunter and cleared his throat .

He then asked....

"Are you mad at me...?"

Alec nodded his head in a no.

And again he went silent.

"Alexander ....I can take down death...but your silence is killing me....." said Magnus looking at Alec.

"If you were mad at me....shout at me,scream at me....but don't kill me with your silence.....please....." said Magnus pleading.

Alec looked at Magnus . He fixed his gaze at Magnus and said ....

"I .....I promised Max that I will protect him from all evils ....but ...I failed....I failed again....I failed again....Magnus...." said Alec and broke down.

Magnus' eyes widened.

He understood that Alec was talking about his baby brother Max ,for whose death Alec blamed himself.

Today's episode with his son Max made Alec to remind him of his self-reproach for his brother's killing .

He was blaming himself again.

Magnus looked at Alec and sighed . He dragged his chair near to Alec.

Magnus wrapped his arms around Alec and wiped his eyes.

Magnus said " Alexander....there was no way that you could know about Max's allergy to chocolates. If anybody to be blamed for today's incident then it had to be me....I knew that I had allergy from chocolates ...I should have said it to you and tested on Max before feeding him spoonfulls of that ominous chocolate pudding. You stand no ground to blame yourself. You promised to protect Max and you did exactly that today. "

All this time Alec was not looking at Magnus directly ...he was looking at his hands on his lap. With Magnus' last words he shot his eyes up and looked at Magnus.

Magnus smiled ...." protected him you promised..."

"How?" said Alec in a raspy voice.

"Well was you who ran madly to my workplace was you who pulled out your shirt and collected everything green from my workplace including my green pen from the desk...and ran back here ...." said Magnus drawing slow soothing circles on Alec's back.

"You protected your Max ...our Max... by getting the medicines on right time to protected did not fail...." said Magnus to his shadowhunter.

Alec leaned on Magnus' shoulder now. His old warlock husband has seen the world more than he has. He could not deny what he said.

"Also you did not fail ..not even the first time when your baby brother Max died....You did not know that Jonathan was in disguise of Sebastian. You trusted him.One should not blame about something which he did not know....."said Magnus.

Alec nodded his head from Magnus' shoulder.

He wrapped his hands around Magnus' middle and snuggled more onto Magnus' chest.

"Are you mad at me....?" asked Magnus innocently to Alec.

"Yes...a could have told me about your allergy to chocolates...." said Alec from his warlock's embrace.

Magnus wrapped his arms more around Alec and said " It never occured to me to tell you about my allergy...we never ate chocolates together....or talked about them....but I admit when we were about to feed Maxie, chocolate ...I should have mentioned my could have saved our little Max from today's ordeal. After centuries of not eating chocolates ...even I forgot for some time that I had allergy from chocolate.....I greatly apologise for my carelessness."

"Its are forgiven....but you were the one who actually saved Max...." said Alec.

"I am getting chills thinking what would have happened if Max's allergy was not cured....Oh...God..." said Alec and clutched the sides of his warlock.

"Don't think of it...." said Magnus caressing Alec's shoulders.

Soon Magnus could sense that his Alexander was drifting off to sleep.

He snapped his fingers and a warm blanket wrapped them both .

Magnus kissed Alec and rested his head on his shadowhunter and himself drifted off to sleep too.

//to be continued.........//

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