Chapter 9 | Arkham

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9 | Arkham

"You touch me and suddenly I feel a little less war torn. I'm not sure what peace is supposed to feel like but I think it may feel a lot like you".

 I'm not sure what peace is supposed to feel like but I think it may feel a lot like you"

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"Forty acres. Twenty-six city blocks. The last major undeveloped district in the city of Gotham. Arkham".

Lilith sat in her office, watching the Mayor giving another speech on TV before a large audience of journalists. This time about the future of Arkham Island.

"Now, before their untimely and tragic deaths, Thomas and Martha Wayne had a plan for their city. A progressive development plan that would raze Arkham's shanty towns, and in its place build new, affordable housing for Gotham's less fortunate".

"What about the old Asylum, Mayor?" Asked a male journalist.

Lilith looked down at the plans for the new Arkham Asylum on her desk. It would house and help many people who needed psychiatric treatment. It was beautifully designed, but for now, only a mansion straight out of a horror movie stood in its place.

"Torn down," the Mayor responded. "Brick by brick if need be. And in its place, a cutting edge, state-of-the-art mental health facility. This is a vision for the future of our city".

A female journalist finally put into words what Lilith was thinking. "An opposing plan is gaining support recently".

"Then it would do away with the Asylum altogether," the Mayor replied right away. "Use the surrounding land as a waste disposal site". Lilith's hands clenched into fists at the thought, carving half-moons into her palm. "No. No, the Wayne plan is best for this city and more importantly, for the people of this city. This is why I am endorsing it".

Truth was, Lilith didn't know what to do. People had already been killed because of the Arkham vote. Two people. Councilman Jenkins and his aide were murdered in a parking lot on the previous night. One of the few nights she stayed home, finally giving in to exhaustion. Lilith couldn't help but wonder if she could have stopped their deaths. There was no real way to know. Too many crimes happened at the same time and she couldn't be everywhere at once.

If only she had help...

But, honestly, Lilith didn't feel like going out after the conversations with Bruce and then with Harvey. She didn't want to step into the night and give in to the temptation of killing some low-life crook. Sometimes Lilith could control herself, but other times she couldn't. Like in the case of Frank. That last sentence:

'When one of the two gets their way, the Waynes and the Khins will thank God they're dead'.

All she saw was red.

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