Chapter 52 | Risks

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52 | Risks

"Sometimes fear does not subside and you must do it afraid".

- Elisabeth Elliot

Lilith was late for work that morning

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Lilith was late for work that morning. It wasn't like anyone would complain to her about it, but she had a lot to do. The Tumbler had already suffered too many delays and it was still far from finished.

The reason why Lilith was so late was because of an early morning patrol. She had spent it searching the city for the Arkham escapees and questioning the worst scum of Gotham to know if they knew anything about the breakout. She made sure they weren't lying. Being under threath of falling from a 39th story building had that effect on you. None of them knew anything.

Lilith didn't even had time to change clothes. Fortunately, she had her motorcycle and was almost at her apartment. Just a little farther...

That's when she saw them.

"Oh, God," Lilith whispered to herself as she skidded her motorcycle on the asphalt.

Six men, wrapped in straitjackets, layed dead on the asphalt. Their skull and every single other bone in their bodies were broken. Blood pooled around their heads. Four people in the black and white Arkham uniform were standing on the roof of the Gotham Gazette.

"You have to do something!" A man close to the Red Demon exclaimed, horror, fear, and shock splattered all over his face.

Lilith looked up and saw the group was ready to throw another person off the roof. She didn't thought twice and aimed her grapple gun at the farthest open window before pulling the trigger.

She need to slow his fall. Otherwise, Lilith risked breaking an arm. After all, a person falling from that height at that velocity weighted ten times more. He was not too big and that could help.

It would be hard, but the Demon had to try.

Lilith caught him halfway and then let herself fall backwards with one arm around his torso, her other hand gripping the grapple gun tightly.

The man was blindfolded with duct tape. He could only let out a muffled scream due to more duct tape obstructing his mouth.

"It's okay, I got you," she reassured him.

His hands were stuck inside the straitjacket, so it wasn't like she could ask him to hold on to her. Lilith did her best to keep a strong grip on him. Her shoulder was screaming at the strain of holding both of them. Now she had to reach her other hand to the grapple gun. It wasn't an easy task. Lilith had to use all the strength her body had to pull herself and the poor man up enough to reach the gun. A loud groan escaped past her lips, but the Demon managed to succeed. The velocity was slowing and they were still a few floors away from the ground.

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