Chapter 45 | No rest to the wicked

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45 | No rest for the wicked

"Power belongs to the people who take it".

- Tyrell Wellick, 'Mr. Robot'

Two weeks of war between Don Falcone and Don Maroni had gone by and Lilith was completely exhausted

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Two weeks of war between Don Falcone and Don Maroni had gone by and Lilith was completely exhausted. She had to divide her time between Wayne Enterprises, her vigilante hours, and the moments with Harvey and Bruce. She had managed to apprehend several men from both sides along with the GCPD, but it seemed to do very little difference since the attacks continued.

Bruce Wayne paced from one side to another in the study. His eyes never leaving the photograph of his father that decorated the top of the desk. The news of the gang war were being announced again on TV, but he wasn't listening.

"The gang war rages on here in Gotham. No one knows what set this turf war off, but it is widely believed to be the result of the longtime power struggle between Salvatore Maroni and Carmine Falcone. Longtime enemies, these men have often come to blows—"

The journalist was cut off by the sound of Bruce breaking the frame, the glass shattering into tiny fragments. He searched the back of the photograph and the inside of the frame, looking for clues of what his father kept hidden.

Alfred walked in and eyed the broken glass on the desk. He, once again, told Bruce that his father kept no secrets, but Bruce knew better.

Everyone has secrets.

"It's in here. It's in this room," the boy stated. "My father's secret. It's in this room. I know it. I know it".

Bruce walked with large strides towards the shelves that decorated the wall besides the desk and behind it. The boy was going to climb the wooden ladder they had to reach the books at the top, but as soon as his hands wrapped around each side of the ladder, the bell rang.

"Saved by the doorbell," Alfred mumbled with relief and left to open the front door.

Neither of the two had heard the cars coming down past the gates, deep as they were in their discussion.

When Alfred led Lilith and Harvey into the study, he was already imagining the mess Bruce had made in the few minutes he was absent. However, they found Bruce sitting on the couch watching the news. The journalist was still talking about the gang war. Several businesses and warehouses from both sides had been set on fire.

"Hello, Lilith," Bruce sent her a tight-lip smile and a nod towards the ADA. "Harvey".

"The war rages on with no end in sight," said the journalist. When he spoke again, Bruce's attention was deviated back to the screen. "In the meantime, GCPD and the vigilante work alongside each other to put a stop to this war. War which started soon after the release of Maroni's top hitman, Tommy Bones, who served nine years at Blackgate".

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