Chapter 24 | Electric sparks

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24 | Electric sparks

"The first time I kissed you I was hooked. One kiss and  I was addicted.

I knew then, that no one else could ever make me feel such an electric spark.

The instant I drew back from your lips and looked into those perfect eyes I knew, I would follow you to the end of the earth".

The instant I drew back from your lips and looked into those perfect eyes I knew, I would follow you to the end of the earth"

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Lilith woke up the following morning with a start. Her phone was ringing again. She groaned while reaching for the phone on the nightstand. She didn't even open her eyes to see who it was and just answered the call.

"Yes?" She asked still half asleep.

"Hey, it's me". She recognized Jim's voice. "Sorry if I woke you, but I thought you should know that it wasn't Dorothy who electrocuted those inmates. She was just another victim. The M.E. found electrode marks on her temples".

Lilith opened her eyes, suddenly awake. "Then, who was it?"

"Jack Gruber, a patient at Arkham," he told her, "an authentic sociopath. He did the same to another patient called Aaron Danzig and he killed Lang. Both he and Aaron are in the wind".

She cursed. "Is there something I can do to help?"

"Not really," Jim said tiredly. "I just wanted you to know. Be careful out there. Gruber is very dangerous".

"All right, I will. Thank you, Jim". They ended the call and Lilith stood up, unlocked the door to her lab, and sat in front of the computer. It had the files of every man and woman inside the walls of Arkham Asylum.

Lilith searched the name Jack Gruber on the database. Once she saw the results, Lilith got up and ran out to change into the vigilante.


Captain Sarah Essen had gathered everyone available in the precinct and Edward Nygma placed the photos of the two wanted men on the projector so the others could see.

"Aaron Danzig," Sarah announced as the picture of a bald man appeared behind her. "6'4, 225, mental age of a young child. We believe he's under the control of this man". The picture changed to an older man. Grayish beard, pointed nose, and demented blue eyes. "Jack Gruber. In Arkham off a rape‐murder beef. We can't find any records on Gruber prior to his incarceration, so we're guessing Gruber is an alias. We're sending his prints nationwide, see if we could—"

"That won't be necessary, Captain," a muffled female voice said from above them.

Everyone looked up and many drew their gun to point at the masked woman, who was crouched on the rail of the third floor over the clock embedded in the wood. Dark rubber gloves covered her hands. Nygma also noticed the rubber boots that almost reached her knees.

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